In Case You Missed Our CBD Event With Jesse Miller From CV Sciences...

Let’s Talk About CBD!
We strongly believe that an informed customer is a happy customer. That’s why it’s our goal to help you make the best possible decision when it comes to buying anything in our stores, especially CBD supplements. We want you to feel 100% comfortable and confident with your choices whenever you shop at Baum’s stores. It’s also why we host industry experts to come do speaking events in our stores. Last month we had a full house for Jesse Miller, Educator for CV Sciences. Even though our employees have been through trainings on Hemp-derived CBD before, we learned some new things new that night! Come in and talk with us about it!

Can You Buy CBD Oil Anywhere?
CBD oil is readily available in places you’d never expect these days, like cafés, coffee shops, corner stores and your occasional fireworks stand? However, not all CBD oils are made equal. Unfortunately, this industry is renowned for its varying degrees of quality standards. Often, you’ll get what you pay for, but how do you know for sure? Some CBD brands may be using poor quality ingredients that might not offer the desired effects or provide a safe, satisfactory experience. Baum’s does extensive research on all of the companies we carry to make sure that you get CBD oil that is effective, safe, and made from highest quality ingredients. Our products are tested, and re-tested by third-party labs to ensure that you’re getting the cleanest, best quality CBD on the market. Can other brands guarantee that? Do you know where they source their materials and how they are processed? What parts of the plant do they use? Do they have assays to back up their claims of purity and potency? Baums does. Why take the risk? Stick with your local health food stores when it comes to buying supplements - we’re the experts, It’s what we do!

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